Sunday, November 28, 2010

Black Friday and First Tooth

Black Friday wasn't as bad as many people said it would be. I worked on a list Thanksgiving morning and night, before bed so I would know exactly what to get, where to get it and how much it would be. I had a plan and it was mapped out. I wasn't going to get trampled and I sure as heck wasn't going to take crap from anyone. I was up at 4am, fed Ella, got ready and left the house by 5:15am. I went to Walmart first, 90% of the stuff I wanted to get was gone, or not in the size I wanted. I was a little upset but I guess that is what I get for not getting there at midnight!! I picked up Ella, fed her first, then off we were to Madison. Toys R Us was busy and the wait in line was twice as long as it took me to shop. Target and Kohls was the same, long lines, not much to chose from but I still managed to get some good deals. The mall was packed and the kiosk's were a pain in the butt not to mention the people working the kiosks were pushy and I don't like that. All in all I had a great experience and was glad that I survived Black Friday with Ella. Somewhere between Toys R Us and pizza for dinner, Ella cut her first tooth!! 4 months 7 days and 13 hours into her life and she goes and cuts a tooth!! On Black Friday too when I was focused on shopping which I won't do again (shop black friday) unless there is something I really really need, which probably won't happen. I still have some shopping to do but at this point I think I have some time. I got most of the things for my family in WA done packed and ready to go and will have Kato ship it off Monday. Saturday night I got out the xmas lights and went through them to see what worked and what didn't. While making dinner Alex decided to hook them all up and when he was done it was so bright in the house I am sure the electric meter was spinning off the charts!! thanks for reading xoxo

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on that first tooth.

    Remember to catch the Tooth Fairy in the act whenever that tooth pops out.

    Free with code: Fairy-Proof (a $10 value)
