Sunday, November 28, 2010

Thanksgiving 2010

It was a wonderful Thanksgiving this year! Its hard to believe that one year ago I was pregnant with Ella and now she is here having her first Turkey Day!! Jade wore the traditional "Kato" shirt. It was Katos when he was a little boy and Alex has worn it at Thanksgiving and Jade has now worn it at Thanksgiving and I am sure Ella will wear it too. Ella had her hair up in a piggy tail, its her first one (sorry can't really tell in the photo)!! Jayne made all the fixings with the help of cousin Tena and Grandma Lamb (Great Grandma to the kids). We ate and enjoyed the company. We have so much to be thankful for and family is at the top of that list. My grandma hasn't been feeling well lately, please keep her in your prayers. Thanks for reading xoxo

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