Monday, November 22, 2010

Michael meets the Parents...

Michael has a girlfriend named Nicki. She goes to a different high school so they don't see each other everyday. I am thankful for that although I am sure he isn't. This weekend was a big deal for him because he went out to dinner with her and her parents. I am not sure exactly where they went but I know it was in Baraboo which doesn't have any super fancy restaurants. I am glad he wore a shirt with sleeves and jeans without stains. He said it went well and he got along with her dad. For the last few years he said he doesn't want to have a girlfriend during wrestling season because it would be a distraction. I asked him if he was going to dump her once wrestling really picked up but he said no because "she makes him wrestle better!" I wonder about that but we will see. As long as he is happy I am happy for him. thanks for reading xoxo

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