Wednesday, November 24, 2010


Kato really gets into college football. He doesn't miss a beat when it comes to his precious Badger games. He keeps track of all the info and knows most of the players. Me, I am a NFL fan more so then college. Kato teases me I should play fantasy college football...ya right like I have the time for that kind of research plus the players change way to much every year and there are about 100 more teams to learn. Never the less its been a great season for them and my husband has been fortunate enough to get to a few games. The past couple of Packer games have been really exciting for Kato also. Mostly because they have been blowing the competition out of the water. In their last 3 games they have held the opponents to 7 points or less. They had a bye week and came back to beat the Vikings 31 to 3! During that game I got this awesome pic of Ella and Daddy enjoying the sweet victory and reveling in the fact we didn't have to hear that stupid Viking horn all game long. Now that December is upon us Badger football will be ending soon and there are only about 6 more weeks of regular season NFL football. Looking forward to seeing the Packers take on the Giants in Green Bay, look for us on TV!! thanks for reading xoxo

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