Tuesday, November 16, 2010

on the mend...finally

Finally people are on the mend at our house. It was a rough few days. Now it is time to get down to business with the Christmas shopping. I usually get a jump start on the holiday shopping and are half way done by now but with all we have going on its difficult to get out of the house, alone, to get it done. I was able to get out a little bit Sunday morning. I don't like going the day after Thanksgiving but this year I might have to just to save some money and make sure I get it done. Kato and I are going to a Packer football game for our gifts to each other. It will be a good game, Pack vs. Giants.

My mom sent Jade these gloves and she loves them!! Put them on and didn't want to take them off even to eat!! too cute
thanks for reading xoxo

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