Tuesday, November 9, 2010

We were icky sick...

Thursday night Jade got sick and was throwing up, unsure if it was something she ate or a bug we did what we could for her and by Friday evening she was pretty much back to normal. Come Sunday morning my stomach felt like a monster was in there fighting its way through my intestines and causing all kind of havoc. I should have purged it out but didn't. It was very painful and I was nauseous all day. Alex however had no problems until 4pm he came in from playing outside and said his stomach hurt. We grabbed him a bowl for "just in case" and thank goodness we did cause he got sick and vomited close to a half gallon of stuff. He did a great job of getting it into the bowl at least. He said he felt a little better, fell asleep, woke up and puked some more. The Packer game was on and we were not able to enjoy the meal cause they were playing Dallas and we were supposed to have chili but opted for 7up and saltines. Alex stayed home from school on Monday. Kato stayed home from work and helped me with the kids. I am really glad he did too because my stomach was still hurting, better then Sunday but still hurting. By 3:30 I was feeling much better and went outside for a bit to get some fresh air. It was 65 out and nice. We are all almost on the mend now, Jade woke up this morning with fever and cough. Welcome to cold and flu season!! YIKES thanks for reading xoxo

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