Friday, November 5, 2010

Wednesday Night...

As if we didn't have enough excitement for one day it got even more exciting...Ella rolled over!! Kato was in the bathroom and the kids and I were in the living room. She had been a bit fussy but only because it was getting close to bed time and she wanted to eat and sleep. She was on the floor kicking and rolling from side to side. I scooted to her right side and was watching something on tv when all of a sudden she rolled over and bumped me. I was so shocked I started yelling "she rolled over, Kato!" I called my mom and shared the news and she told me that I started crawling at 5 months!! Good Golly SLOW IT DOWN ELLA don't you know your my last baby and I want to savor every moment!! I am so glad I got to see it and be there for her big accomplishment. I was actually a bit surprised because she is so chunky, you would think it would be harder for her to roll over but she did it. Ahhh Bittersweet "firsts" you love to see em but know it means they are growing up. thanks for reading xoxo

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