Sunday, July 5, 2009

4th of July Weekend

What an awesome weekend!!! Katos Aunt Jennie and Uncle Runkle rented a house on Lake Michigan and invited the Lambs for a night. We were excited to go and I can't express how thankful we are to Jennie and Dick for a wonderful time. So Friday we got things ready to go cause we knew we wanted to leave early on Saturday to get there ASAP!! We left Saturday around 9:10 and got into Cleveland WI around 12:15. We had a quick bite to eat before getting to the house. Once there it was laughter, kids playing, sand castles, BBQ, fireworks, family and a whole lot of fun. It was so nice to spend time with Uncle Runkles side of the family. We roasted marshmallows and caught up with everyone and we spent some time being thankful for this wonderful holiday. It was a rough night sleep. It was so cold we had Jade and Alex in our bed just to keep them warm. Jade and Alex fought their sleep and it took awhile to get them to bed. Our air mattress that we spent time on Friday fixing a hole and making sure it wouldn't leak, ended up going flat. We were rudely awakened by an obnoxious bird at 4am and again at 5 and finally we got out of bed at 6:15am! Oh well I was ready and excited cause they got jet skis!!! We had to pick them up around 9 and Melissa, Amanda and I decided to ride them back to the house. I tried Yoga for the first time ever with Melissa on the pier and it was a fantastic. I want to get some videos and a mat and keep it going. I am glad I did it cause the jet skis were a work out and without that morning stretch I would probably be worse then I am right now. So the ladies go pick up the jet skis at 9:15am. It was the best time EVER! We planned a grand entrance with a show of our jet skiing skills and ended at the beach in a famous Charlies Angels pose. It was so much fun just hanging out with the girls planning it and laughing and going super fast. Once we got to the beach everyone was watching us and I hope to get some copies of the photos taken cause I know they will be great! I took Alex and Kato for a ride and Alex loved going fast (45MPH) he didn't want to get off. I took Javier out for a ride and told him my plan was to knock him off the back...well he decided to take me with him. We bit it hard and ended up about 20 yards away from the jet ski and had to swim in super cold water. That was the last time I tried to knock someone off cause I was so sore! Everyone loved the jet skis they were a big hit! The Lamb sisters went out and had fun too. We had lunch, did some kayaking, relaxed and enjoyed everyones company before heading for home around 3pm. The kids were so tired they slept the entire way home. There is alot more I can share but its getting late so maybe I will write more about it tomorrow. So a big big big thank you to Aunt Jennie and Uncle Runkle and also Happy Birthday!! Hope you all had a good 4th of July! thanks for reading xoxo

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