Wednesday, July 8, 2009

July 8

Last night we went to a Mallards game. It was alot of fun. We had seats along the 3rd base line. Alex had a great time playing in the jumpy duck, in the sand box and climbing on the playground. He ate some nachos and got his own drink, usually him and Dad share. Kato and I had hot dogs and french fries. Keith went with us and he had a huge turkey leg. It was pretty impressive and messy. I am glad we had some baby wipes. Jade enjoyed squash and applesauce. Keith bought the first round and I enjoyed a Mallard Ale on tap, it was yummy and so I drank half for myself and half for Stacey. Sorry Stacey I only had one so I had to share. We didn't stay for the entire game cause Jade needed to eat and was getting tired and Alex was tired too. Its for the best cause the Mallards gave up a home run with runners on 1st and 2nd. I missed how the other 2 runners scored cause I was trying to find Alex and Kato. By the time we left it was 5 to 0 and I am pretty sure the Mallards lost. I would like to go to another game without my young kids so I can enjoy more of the game. Before we left the house I picked some sweet peas from the garden and we all enjoyed snacking on them. They were so good. We didn't get home until late so both kids were sleeping. I go on vacation next week and its going to go too fast. Saturday we pick Michael up at the airport, Sunday we go to Noahs Ark, Monday up to the cottage, and then Michael leaves for wrestling camp on Sunday and back to work Monday and my mom and grandma will be here Tuesday or Wednesday. Summer is flying by. thanks for reading xoxo

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