Friday, July 3, 2009

Just a vent

I got a note from Michaels school saying that in order to reserve a calculator for next year we had to send in a form and a check by May 22. So I did right away. The check that was so badly needed in a timely manor before May 22 that I wrote out on May 17th has yet to be cashed. I also got a letter from his wrestling coach saying in order for Michael to go to wrestling camp a check was needed by June 19. So on June 17 we hand delivered a check to the coach at his house as per his request. As of today it has not yet been cashed. Why do people need so much money right away and when they get it do NOTHING!! Don't worry about the burden you put on people when its needed right away with only days notice especially for people who live on a budget cause as long as you get what you need what do you care!! JUST CASH THE FRICKEN CHECKS ALREADY SO I CAN BALANCE MY CHECK BOOKS YOU IDIOTS!!! I like to pay my bills on time and I keep a close eye on how long it takes for the checks to get there and cashed and if they are late getting cashed I call and check up on it. I guess its just another stupid pet peeve I have. thanks for reading this vent. xoxo

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