Saturday, July 18, 2009

Home Sweet Home

We are back from the cottage and we had a great time. Mikey couldn't come up with us so Michael invited his friend Gavin. We like him, he's a good kid. Anyway, the fishing was pretty good this year. We all got a Northern or few and some of us got a bass or two. I was lucky and got two Northerns from the pier. Usually I only get a bass or perch or bluegill. We had some chilly weather up there this year. I don't remember a time in July where I had to wear a sweatshirt and this year I did. It was windy but dry. We went to the candy store up there, its huge! Everything you can imagine from chocolates to taffy to ice cream and jelly beans and fun toy type candy and sour and hot and everything, its overwhelming and you can expect to stay at least an hour. The pie shoppe across the street wasn't open until Friday so no pie for us. We grilled out chicken and burgers, we had pizza one night and went to a restaurant the last night there. We all got steak, except Alex he had a girl cheese (grilled cheese) samich (sandwich) and fries. We rented a pontoon so everyone could go out and fish even Jade. We ended up fishing until 9:00 and just as we pulled into the pier it started raining so we got lucky. After reviewing everything with Kato and discussing the cottage and what it means to us and what it means to the elders we have come to the conclusion that even though it is sad to see it go its probably for the best. We put up for sale signs and even let the realtor and some out of town buyers come in for a showing. We tried to sell it by explaining why the cottage was built north to south and how we have the best fishing spot on the lake and how it is so sturdy cause how it was built and that it has magical powers to melt away your stress and it lets you sleep so well at night. It could sell right away or take some time but anyway it goes it'll be ok. We have always understood why its for sale we just always had a plan in our heads as to what our future together would be like and the cottage was a big part of that plan. We hope that one day we can maybe build our own cottage and bring our kids and grandkids there. I am still holding out for the lottery but I should probably buy a ticket first. Anyway we had alot of fun and enjoyed every second. After we left we went to Green Bay to visit the grandparents and eat some awesome chili at our favorite spot. Michael had some chili and chicken and the rest of us had burgers and chili. It was so yummy. I have a friend who has young kids who only travel far distances with them at night and it wasn't until our trip home that I fully understood why. We would get going then one of the kids has to go big job, then someone had to throw up and then shortly after that one had to pee then another big job and of course ice cream. It took us 7 hours to get home once we left the cottage. It was a long trip but man it felt good to be home. We are now working on getting ready for my mom and grandma, they will be here Tuesday. thanks for reading xoxo

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