Friday, July 3, 2009

Just thinking out loud

I don't understand why on my day off I insist on waking up at the butt crack of dawn and getting out of bed to start my day. For example this morning I was awake at 5:15 to feed the daughter and when I tried to go back to sleep it didn't work. I started thinking about all kinds of things. I thought about the fact that the cottage is on the market and how sad it is to lose Katos most favorite place in the world and I wished and wished that we could win a little bit of the lottery so that we can keep it. I thought about going to lake michigan tomorrow and all the dangers that await my young kids like them falling into the water without life jackets, which is crazy cause I make them wear them or getting bit by a snake or fireworks set our tents on fire. I swear I think of the most awful things that could happen just so I can think about how to avoid them or get out of danger. I thought about driving in the mountains and what would happen if we got stranded...its not even winter and I was thinking about getting stuck in the snow!! I thought about all the things I need to get done before Monday. I thought about my Grandma coming and how I worry about her safety going up and down the stairs into our house and how I could make it easy for her to get in and out of the bathtub. The worst part was I thought about the entire month of July and how it seems summer is over before its even started. I need a switch inserted into my head that I can just turn off so that I can stop worrying, planning, checking off lists in my head. Do you think life would be easier if money wasn't an issue and if your children were guaranteed to be safe and happy? Its nice to think about but believe me it will keep you awake at night or at least in the early morning. Thanks for reading. XOXO

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