Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Monday and Tuesday

We had a piece of cement that was chipping away and breaking. It was a huge safety hazard cause the kids or even adults could trip on it so we decided on Friday to break it all up and replace the cement. Kato went nuts with the hammers and got all the old cement out. I thought for sure he would be really sore but he seemed ok. He went to Menards and got 400 pounds of cement to fill it in. Since we didn't get back from the lake until late on Sunday he decided to pour it last night. Well 400 pounds wasn't enough so he had to go get more. After about 2 hours of work the cement was done. I wanted to put all our initials in it but settled for just K2. K2 is Kato and Kara. It started about 9 years ago and stuck. Anyway, I got the first K2 in and it looked really bad cause the cement was lumpy and big chunks were forming. So I erased it and redid it. It looked good not to big and not too small just a little K2 in the corner to represent our first home together. As it turns out its the only part of the cement that matches the rest of our driveway. The rest is a lighter color so maybe it was the magic of K2 once again. Well at least that's what I am going to say. Kato still has to put some caulk in the creases but at least now its not a huge ugly broken piece of cement. Alex and I got to taste the first peas of our garden. They were super sweet and really yummy. Today while the kids are outside playing I am going to pick the rest so we can snack on it. We are going to a Mallards game tonight and it should be fun. I hope Jade will be able to hang for the game. She sometimes doesn't like to be held alot she likes to play on the floor and roll around and stretch out. Even at the lake she was happy just laying on blankets on the ground rolling around, scooting about and playing. I woke up yesterday feeling like I got hit by a bus. My muscles were so sore and tight. No matter how much I stretched out they still hurt. Kato thought I was sore from sunburn but when I explained it wasn't sun burn it was wrecking the jet ski at 45 MPH with a 200 pound kid on the back and then having to swim 25 yards in freezing cold water only to climb myself back up on the jet ski that make me hurt. I had to run to Walgreens to pick up some ibuprofen and took both the kids so Kato could work on the cement. While we were there Alex had to go big job cause that's his MO! So in the bathroom he gets his business done and I flush the toilet well the thing was so loud it scared Jade so bad that she screamed bloody murder and the echo in that bathroom made it ten times worse. So after 20 minutes of the screaming she finally calmed down but I was frantic cause I am sore and realizing I still have to go to the Pig for groceries and then get home, unload, cook dinner, feed Jade, clean up and finally go to bed. Tuesdays are always a little more busy cause I have one extra kid but today is especially rough cause I am still sore and have a ton to do before we leave for the game. The kids are being good despite diaper rashes, bug bites, and bad coughs. Lets hope after nap it goes just as smooth. This pic is from the weekend, its most of us minus a few who were MIA durning picture time. thanks for reading xoxo

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