Sunday, July 26, 2009

Mom & Grandma visit

Grandma and Mom arrived on Tuesday morning which was earlier then they predicted. That night it was like Christmas here. They brought all kinds of goodies. Jade got some earrings from Aunt Gail, Alex got a really cool squirt gun from Aunt Gail and Michael got the perfect t shirt from her as well. They drove my grandpa truck out to give to Michael as it was my grandpa wish for him to have it. I had to keep that a secret for awhile but knew about it when I was out in WA when he passed. It was bitter sweet. My grandpa made a wooden chair for Jade and my grandma painted it for her. I couldn't help but cry because I knew it was one of the last things my grandpa made. My grandma and mom gave me some of my grandpas old things that he kept like his marbles he played with as a kid and some playing cards that were his dads and a hat my grandpa wore fishing as well as out and about, and some photos of him. The hat still smelled like him and I will always cherish everything I got that used to be his. Jade got a jewelry box that was my grandpas mothers. I remember it growing up cause it was with my mom. It plays music and has a key lock on it. They also brought a bike that used to be Michael's and my mom fixed it up with new paint, tires, and a drink holder for Alex. She also brought out a box of toys that used to be Michael's. It was a ton of great stuff. Mom and Grandma made me some new curtains for my bedroom and they are fantastic, Grandma hand sewed them. Last night we had Jayne and Keith come over for dinner. Kato was called to work for some problems and was working for about 19 hours. We got my grandma a birthday cake and celebrated her birthday which is on Tuesday. I got her some puzzles she likes to do and some scratch tickets, she didn't win any money but it was fun. Mom cooked some awesome chicken on the grill and made Aunt Cindy's potatoes. Everything was yummy. We had a great week with my mom and grandma. It was wonderful having them here. Grandma really enjoyed watching the kids play and was amazed at how well the kids behaved. It's always hard to see them go and I wish there was an easier and cheap way to visit more often. Its back to regular routine this week and I hope the weather gets hotter so we can go to the pool. I'll write more later. thanks for reading xoxo

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