Sunday, August 30, 2009

Run Faster Jump Higher

Leave it to a much much younger person to make you realize how old you really are even if your shoes say different!! Being in a pair of new Nike shoes may make you feel like you can run faster but the truth is its not the shoes. We tell our young children all the time the shoes will make you jump higher, run faster, look taller, but the truth is it's just better for our wallets cause the shoes we pick are cheaper. So as adults when we buy shoes its mostly justified because our feet have stopped growing or our job requires better quality shoes. For me its because I buy athletic shoes every 3 or 4 years where as my husband buys new shoes every 4-6 months but he is alot rougher on his shoes then I am. Anyway, so here we are at the shoe store picking out some athletic shoes that will last me awhile, look good on, feel good on, and don't break the bank. Little do I know that I am really testing to see if I can run faster, jump higher, look better. I finally pick a cute pink and silver pair of Nike's that are a bit more expensive then the last pair but I figure with inflation and the fact that its been 4 years since I bought a pair of shoes the cost increase is fine. I didn't wear them for a couple of days because I didn't go anywhere. But Thursday night I put on those perfect pair of Nike's and I could feel myself morph into Wonder Woman. I felt like I could run so fast, jump so high, and probably single handily win Michael's football game that we were about to attend. Of course I didn't say anything but I felt it!! Its like when Kato feels really good about himself he gets what I called SWOLLEN. No not that swollen but like a proud warrior. He sticks out his chest a bit more, he sucks in his tummy and of course he stands really tall with his chin a little bit higher. Almost like a king or Superman. So after the game I couldn't wait for Friday and Saturday and Sunday so I could wear my Pink and Silver Faster then a Speeding Bullet Nike's. I really thought I just might go for a jog. I have been trying to get my ass in shape. Well it wasn't until today that I got a good feel for what my Nike's can do. I was visiting the neighbors and the kids wanted to race. So my golden opportunity presented itself, I had been secretly waiting for this moment, a chance to prove that new shoes make you run faster, jump higher, stand taller and all that jazz is TRUE!!! I got ready, I got set, I went for it all. I raced and raced and raced. Our track was small. Just one time around the house and my opponents were 4 and 7 year olds. My pretty pink Nike's and I were fired up. Of course I let the kids win a couple but when Ellen said you don't have to let him win I said ok. I stepped to the line, I waited for the go and I was off only to pull every muscle in my thighs as I could and hobble my fat ass home!!! I sucked and was out of shape!! I won but it kicked my ass. It hurt every time I raced after and I had to run 4 more times just to make it fair to the kids. So if a cute pair of pink and silver Nike's make you feel like you can run faster, jump higher, stand taller, look better just remember its ALL A LIE!!!!!You are still old and nothing can give you your youth back!!! thanks for reading xoxo
ps the photo isn't the actual shoe but you get the idea!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

The Originals

Yesterday as I was walking with the kids to the pool I had a few moments of remembrance. I watched as Liam, Rylee, Logan, and Alex walked a few paces ahead of the rest of us and thought "huh...the originals." Their first summer going to the pool I had to put Alex and Logan in one wagon and I connected another wagon for Liam and Rylee. It looked like a train and it soon got very heavy to pull. It was nice when they could walk themselves. I thought about when I first started watching them and how far they have come and how much they have changed. I remembered Liams first day and how he would go and go until he would find a quiet spot somewhere and curl up and sleep. On that day he found his way under the jumpy and he looked so cute sleeping under it. I then thought about how I would play peek a boo with Logan and when I put a blanket over his face he would start kicking and waving his arms to the point you would think he was have a seizure but he would be laughing. I remembered Rylees first steps and how crazy it was I would have to change her bib 4 times a day because she would soak it up with drool. I actually got to see Logans first steps too. I got to see alot of their firsts. Now as they walked and talked and laughed it felt like those days were only yesterday. All these memories came rushing back and my heart felt a huge tug. Packer backer day, building forts in the living room, art projects so messy I still find bits of it everywhere, going to the pool, watching it snow, kissing their owees, taking their temps, missing them while I was on vacation, making our rock band, watching movies and so much more. I use to take them to the park and they would play on the slide or on those things that rock back and forth on springs. I remembered having to rotate them out of high chairs so they could all eat. I remember their first times up at the table and how messy it was. They would get so excited when a new toy appeared and they would play with it all day. We made up a song with their names and everything. I knew they would eventually grow up and move on but it went by way to fast. I miss them being little and snugly. Its a hard job and some days are worse then others but I wouldn't change a thing I wouldn't give up a single bad day and I would definitely do it again. thanks for the memories kids I love you all..xoxo

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Shopping, Fixing, More Shopping

Yesterday I went shopping for a dress. I thought it would be easy and fast. It wasn't...I decided to go up to an outlet mall with the boys and Jade. I ended up going to every store trying to find something that would work for me and I was not successful. I did however manage to get somethings for Michael and I did find myself a tshirt. After that mall we went to eat. I didn't expect things to take so long and I didn't bring any food for Jade so I broke off pieces of my soft taco shell and she had that. We quick stopped at Farm and Fleet for Michael. Alex got a belt, Kato got some shorts, Michael got a hanky, I got a shirt and Jade got fussy. So we came home, fed Jade and we headed off to the regular mall. After 7 stores I found two dresses on clearance and bought them both. I found a scarf that will work as a shall type thing and bought that. We hit the grocery store and hurried home for the Packer game. I needed shoes for the dresses and atheletic shoes. This morning while Kato was trying to figure out why one eye on my stove doesn't work, Jade and I went shopping for shoes. I found two pair on sale. I needed some womanly foundations too but after trying on about 15 types I called it quits and will try again later. Thats the shopping. I hated it and wished all my other stuff still fit but they are all too small. Anyway, I got a call from Kato saying its going to cost $100 to fix the stove...CRAP!! I hate that too. I will have to order it on line. I am very thankful my husband fixes things and fixes things right cause it would really suck to have to pay people to do the things my husband can do. I am very lucky!!! Back at home now and we are planning on raiding Alexs room and getting some of the toys outta here!! He keeps bringing up toys from the basement and doesn't take anything down so his room is full of toys toys toys. In fact there are about 4 naked GI Joe dolls a couple of swords and pirates at my feet now. So off to it. thanks for reading xoxo

Friday, August 21, 2009

a weird day...

ever have one of those days where it just feels weird? today was a day like that for me. Parents were in and out at different times and the afternoon kinda went by ever so slow. its nice that its friday and the weekend is here. i guess today was like that because this entire week i have had at least 8 kids everyday except on tuesday when i had 9. it went fast and yes it was busy but all of a sudden today felt weird. by 2 today i only had 4 kids and all but one was sleeping. kato got home and we went out to eat...friday fish fry. it was good. now i am on the couch on his work computer typing my blog for the day. its nice. we need to look into getting a new computer soon so this is a good way to explore our options. michael is at the tractor pull tonight. alex will munch on a pizza since the restaurant didn't have what he wanted and jade is on the floor playing with toys. tomorrow i will shop for a dress for crystals wedding. it will be the first dress i have bought since my wedding dress. how nuts is that?? well thanks for reading my mumbo jumbo. TGIF xoxo

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Lamb Cousin Camping

We had planned a Lamb family cousin camping trip in the past and it really never worked out all that well for us but this year was different. We got spots in Portage at Skyhigh Campground. It was so much fun. We swam in the pool, listened to some really bad karaoke sang mostly by kids, watched and listened to the Packers win their first pre-season game, played with the kids, roasted marshmallows, and got rained out. At the pool bar we had a couple beers and they had this raffle later at night. Well it turned out Zack won one and Kato won the other. Both got really nice WI Badger shirts. Not bad!! Jade did pretty well camping. She crawled around on the grass which she wanted to eat and it didn't bother her. She slept through the night which was nice. Alex had so much fun swimming. Michael and Kato played a game with Alex where they would stand about 10 feet apart in the pool and just throw Alex back and forth. Alex loved it. Molli and her boyfriend Casey were awesome to hang out with and it was so wonderful to see Sarah and Zack. It was a blast!!!! I can't wait to do it again next year and have more cousins go. Michael brought a friend, Dillon and they rented these bikes to ride around on. Good times!! thanks for reading xoxo

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Broken Heart From Broken Bone

I have been watching kids for 23 years. I have been running a daycare for over 4 years in this house. I moved in and lived with a family just so I could be there for the kids. I have been a mom for over 15 years and have 3 kids of my own. With all this experience and all this time with my own kids I am surprised how long it took for one of my kids to get a broken bone. Now not my biological kids but one of my daycare kids. Our good buddy Logan broke his wrist on Wednesday. We have been able to go to the pool alot more since it has been warm and dry and every time we go its the same running, no peeing in the pool, no pushing, no dumping or splashing water on someone without asking the person first blah blah blah. The kids have it down and they recite these rules on the way to the pool, at the pool and before we leave our house. I usually have one kid who falls on the way to the pool or on the way back and its mostly because they are not watching where they are going and trip over the cement or their own feet. Its usually not Logan. On our way back from the pool we were crossing the street into our driveway and of course I am yelling NO RUNNING but Alex and Logan begin to run and just as Logan reaches maximum speed he falls and when I say fall I mean FALL. He fell for like two feet. When he got up I could tell it hurt not just because he was only in a swim suit but because he fell for TWO FEET! He said his wrist hurt so we went inside iced it and I called his mom and gave him Tylenol. Well as it turns out he broke it and has to get a cast. I felt really bad and my heart hurt for him because only two days earlier he was playing superman and hit his head at home and had to go to the hospital, and the week before that he got stuck underwater at the pool and I had to jump in and get him. If bad things happen in 3's he has met his quota. Friday he went to get a regular cast, I suggested green and yellow colors but he said he might pick just green. I hope he did ok and I will post a new pic Monday. Get well soon Logan!! thanks for reading xoxo

Sunday, August 9, 2009

School, Golf, and Baseball

Michael had school registration on Thursday. I can't believe he will be a sophomore this year. Time is really flying by. It seems like only yesterday he was a little chunky boy who wanted nothing more then to ride bikes and build forts. Now he sleeps all day and wants nothing more then to drive and milk cows. I guess at that age you'd do about anything to get your hands on some teats.

On Saturday Kato, Michael, Michael's friend Joey, and I all went golfing. We had Jayne and Keith watch Alex and Jade for the day. We went to this place in Madison that was celebrating 54 years! Imagine that 54 again!! Anyway, the par 3 course only cost us $2 a person, regularly $7+. It was super hot but we had alot of fun. I managed to play the 9 holes with the same pink ball where as the boys all had lost theirs within the first couple of holes. After the par 3 we decided to hit a bucket of balls at the driving range, it again was only $2 a bucket regularly alot more! We had no idea this sale was going on but we sure were happy it was! After the bucket of balls we went to a Mallards baseball game. We had free tickets so we figured it would be fun to get in another game before the end of the regular season. The Mallards won 3-1. We picked up Alex and Jade about 9:30 and came home. It was super muggy out and today is supposed to be even worse so we might have to hit the swimming pool. We had a great weekend and next weekend is the Lamb cousins camping trip. It will be fun. thanks for reading xoxo

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Mom and Alex in the bucket lift

Alex Rylee and Eli on the pulley

Trent Kale Rylee and Eli watching the helicopter

Beer Goggles

Last night was National Night Out and we decided to go. We met up with our neighbors Dan and Ellen with Olivia, Trent and his 3 kids, Rylee, Eli, and Kale and Stacey arrived later. It was a chance for our community to get to know the police officers, firefighters, EMS people and various others to build community alliances. Anyway, the kids got to see a military helicopter up close and watch it take off from the field. We had music playing blue grass oldies, rides in a bucket lift, a dunk tank with a police officer to dunk, a pulley system that hoisted the kids off the ground, and the best of all an obstacle course with a golf cart that simulates drunk driving by wearing beer goggles. They had about 10 different goggles and when you put them on and look through them it shows you what it looks like after you drink alcohol. Each goggle represented a different blood alcohol limit all the way up to extremely drunk. So we all tried them on. After trying on all the goggles we decided to try driving with them on and it was a riot! The girls went first and it was surprising how many cones you hit and how hard it really was. The boys went next and they didn't do any better. We all had a good laugh and when we asked the police officer if anyone made it through the course without hitting a cone he said "yes only one guy, and we followed him home!" It was alot of fun and I am glad we went. Enjoy the pics! thanks for reading xoxo

Monday, August 3, 2009

And so it begins...

After several weeks of numerous failed attempts, face dives, screaming out of frustration tantrums, Jade has officially become a crawler. And so it begins, the making sure all the doors are shut, gates are closed, dangerous toys picked up and all that other safe stuff is done everywhere! Not that it doesn't get done but before we could leave the gates open and know it would take her 20 minutes to reach it, now it'll be 20 seconds! I was a little worried but was ok that the crawling was taking so long. She was pulling herself up to stand before she actually crawled. Of course she was mobile, scooting and army crawling or just rolling to get where she wanted to go but now its so much faster. I am sad my mom and grandma missed it but I think they were just as excited to see how she gets around, cause it was really cute. Way to go baby Jade. thanks for reading xoxo

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Its Sunday again and that means another week is about to start. We had a good Friday, the kids and I went to the pool and had some fun. Jade splashed with Kale and Rylee, Logan, Eli, and Alex played all kinds of things. We kicked off the weekend with the neighbors who had some friends over, which we knew from last summer and who Kato knows from work. Anyway we had some drinks in the back yard and told silly stories until our other neighbor came out and fed the guys some dog food. I went inside after that. Ok they don't really feed their dog regular dog food, he eats people food and our neighbor runs a catering business so he brought home some pork and he was going to feed it to the dogs when he saw us outside. I went in so whatever happened after that was a mystery and since Kato didn't come in until 2am I assume it was a good time. Somehow throughout the night Alex climbed into bed with us and when Jade woke up in the morning I pulled her in bed to feed her and we went back to sleep until about 7:30 then we all seemed to wake up. Good thing Michael is at a friends house cause I doubt we could have fit one more person in our bed. It was really cute playing with the kids for a bit. We decided to go to the farmers market downtown Madison. We got there about 9:30 hit the bakeries for some scones and elephant ears. We picked up some cucumbers, zucchini, green peppers, onions, green beans, raspberries, potatoes, and tried some various jerky. We washed it down with some apple cider all while shopping the square. It wasn't too busy at first but it got packed quick. We also did some shopping down state street and the outside part of the square. We got lunch at Michaels Frozen Custard and then hit the mall. Surprising we really didn't get that much stuff considering we shopped from 9:30 am until 5pm. Most of it was good nutritious vegetables which we love. After getting home we unpacked and had some dinner followed by a movie, Body of Lies. Kato stayed up a bit to watch the Brewers game that they lost and Alex fell asleep in his bed watching some cartoons. When we woke up this morning there were only 2 of us and I thought if I fed Jade in our bed maybe she would go back to sleep but she didn't. She rolled back and forth between Kato and I saying dada and passing gas. Like Father Like Daughter! Anyway we ran some errands and now we are going to the pool. Should be fun and Alex is anxious to get in the big pool. Its August now and football preseason starts in 2 weeks. GO PACK GO!! Speaking of Packers when we were on State street I saw a t shirt that had a picture of Brett Favre and it read "we will never forget you Brent" I liked it. thanks for reading xoxo