Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Beer Goggles

Last night was National Night Out and we decided to go. We met up with our neighbors Dan and Ellen with Olivia, Trent and his 3 kids, Rylee, Eli, and Kale and Stacey arrived later. It was a chance for our community to get to know the police officers, firefighters, EMS people and various others to build community alliances. Anyway, the kids got to see a military helicopter up close and watch it take off from the field. We had music playing blue grass oldies, rides in a bucket lift, a dunk tank with a police officer to dunk, a pulley system that hoisted the kids off the ground, and the best of all an obstacle course with a golf cart that simulates drunk driving by wearing beer goggles. They had about 10 different goggles and when you put them on and look through them it shows you what it looks like after you drink alcohol. Each goggle represented a different blood alcohol limit all the way up to extremely drunk. So we all tried them on. After trying on all the goggles we decided to try driving with them on and it was a riot! The girls went first and it was surprising how many cones you hit and how hard it really was. The boys went next and they didn't do any better. We all had a good laugh and when we asked the police officer if anyone made it through the course without hitting a cone he said "yes only one guy, and we followed him home!" It was alot of fun and I am glad we went. Enjoy the pics! thanks for reading xoxo

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