Saturday, August 15, 2009

Broken Heart From Broken Bone

I have been watching kids for 23 years. I have been running a daycare for over 4 years in this house. I moved in and lived with a family just so I could be there for the kids. I have been a mom for over 15 years and have 3 kids of my own. With all this experience and all this time with my own kids I am surprised how long it took for one of my kids to get a broken bone. Now not my biological kids but one of my daycare kids. Our good buddy Logan broke his wrist on Wednesday. We have been able to go to the pool alot more since it has been warm and dry and every time we go its the same running, no peeing in the pool, no pushing, no dumping or splashing water on someone without asking the person first blah blah blah. The kids have it down and they recite these rules on the way to the pool, at the pool and before we leave our house. I usually have one kid who falls on the way to the pool or on the way back and its mostly because they are not watching where they are going and trip over the cement or their own feet. Its usually not Logan. On our way back from the pool we were crossing the street into our driveway and of course I am yelling NO RUNNING but Alex and Logan begin to run and just as Logan reaches maximum speed he falls and when I say fall I mean FALL. He fell for like two feet. When he got up I could tell it hurt not just because he was only in a swim suit but because he fell for TWO FEET! He said his wrist hurt so we went inside iced it and I called his mom and gave him Tylenol. Well as it turns out he broke it and has to get a cast. I felt really bad and my heart hurt for him because only two days earlier he was playing superman and hit his head at home and had to go to the hospital, and the week before that he got stuck underwater at the pool and I had to jump in and get him. If bad things happen in 3's he has met his quota. Friday he went to get a regular cast, I suggested green and yellow colors but he said he might pick just green. I hope he did ok and I will post a new pic Monday. Get well soon Logan!! thanks for reading xoxo

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