Sunday, August 30, 2009

Run Faster Jump Higher

Leave it to a much much younger person to make you realize how old you really are even if your shoes say different!! Being in a pair of new Nike shoes may make you feel like you can run faster but the truth is its not the shoes. We tell our young children all the time the shoes will make you jump higher, run faster, look taller, but the truth is it's just better for our wallets cause the shoes we pick are cheaper. So as adults when we buy shoes its mostly justified because our feet have stopped growing or our job requires better quality shoes. For me its because I buy athletic shoes every 3 or 4 years where as my husband buys new shoes every 4-6 months but he is alot rougher on his shoes then I am. Anyway, so here we are at the shoe store picking out some athletic shoes that will last me awhile, look good on, feel good on, and don't break the bank. Little do I know that I am really testing to see if I can run faster, jump higher, look better. I finally pick a cute pink and silver pair of Nike's that are a bit more expensive then the last pair but I figure with inflation and the fact that its been 4 years since I bought a pair of shoes the cost increase is fine. I didn't wear them for a couple of days because I didn't go anywhere. But Thursday night I put on those perfect pair of Nike's and I could feel myself morph into Wonder Woman. I felt like I could run so fast, jump so high, and probably single handily win Michael's football game that we were about to attend. Of course I didn't say anything but I felt it!! Its like when Kato feels really good about himself he gets what I called SWOLLEN. No not that swollen but like a proud warrior. He sticks out his chest a bit more, he sucks in his tummy and of course he stands really tall with his chin a little bit higher. Almost like a king or Superman. So after the game I couldn't wait for Friday and Saturday and Sunday so I could wear my Pink and Silver Faster then a Speeding Bullet Nike's. I really thought I just might go for a jog. I have been trying to get my ass in shape. Well it wasn't until today that I got a good feel for what my Nike's can do. I was visiting the neighbors and the kids wanted to race. So my golden opportunity presented itself, I had been secretly waiting for this moment, a chance to prove that new shoes make you run faster, jump higher, stand taller and all that jazz is TRUE!!! I got ready, I got set, I went for it all. I raced and raced and raced. Our track was small. Just one time around the house and my opponents were 4 and 7 year olds. My pretty pink Nike's and I were fired up. Of course I let the kids win a couple but when Ellen said you don't have to let him win I said ok. I stepped to the line, I waited for the go and I was off only to pull every muscle in my thighs as I could and hobble my fat ass home!!! I sucked and was out of shape!! I won but it kicked my ass. It hurt every time I raced after and I had to run 4 more times just to make it fair to the kids. So if a cute pair of pink and silver Nike's make you feel like you can run faster, jump higher, stand taller, look better just remember its ALL A LIE!!!!!You are still old and nothing can give you your youth back!!! thanks for reading xoxo
ps the photo isn't the actual shoe but you get the idea!

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