Sunday, August 16, 2009

Lamb Cousin Camping

We had planned a Lamb family cousin camping trip in the past and it really never worked out all that well for us but this year was different. We got spots in Portage at Skyhigh Campground. It was so much fun. We swam in the pool, listened to some really bad karaoke sang mostly by kids, watched and listened to the Packers win their first pre-season game, played with the kids, roasted marshmallows, and got rained out. At the pool bar we had a couple beers and they had this raffle later at night. Well it turned out Zack won one and Kato won the other. Both got really nice WI Badger shirts. Not bad!! Jade did pretty well camping. She crawled around on the grass which she wanted to eat and it didn't bother her. She slept through the night which was nice. Alex had so much fun swimming. Michael and Kato played a game with Alex where they would stand about 10 feet apart in the pool and just throw Alex back and forth. Alex loved it. Molli and her boyfriend Casey were awesome to hang out with and it was so wonderful to see Sarah and Zack. It was a blast!!!! I can't wait to do it again next year and have more cousins go. Michael brought a friend, Dillon and they rented these bikes to ride around on. Good times!! thanks for reading xoxo

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