Friday, August 21, 2009

a weird day...

ever have one of those days where it just feels weird? today was a day like that for me. Parents were in and out at different times and the afternoon kinda went by ever so slow. its nice that its friday and the weekend is here. i guess today was like that because this entire week i have had at least 8 kids everyday except on tuesday when i had 9. it went fast and yes it was busy but all of a sudden today felt weird. by 2 today i only had 4 kids and all but one was sleeping. kato got home and we went out to eat...friday fish fry. it was good. now i am on the couch on his work computer typing my blog for the day. its nice. we need to look into getting a new computer soon so this is a good way to explore our options. michael is at the tractor pull tonight. alex will munch on a pizza since the restaurant didn't have what he wanted and jade is on the floor playing with toys. tomorrow i will shop for a dress for crystals wedding. it will be the first dress i have bought since my wedding dress. how nuts is that?? well thanks for reading my mumbo jumbo. TGIF xoxo

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