Tuesday, August 25, 2009

The Originals

Yesterday as I was walking with the kids to the pool I had a few moments of remembrance. I watched as Liam, Rylee, Logan, and Alex walked a few paces ahead of the rest of us and thought "huh...the originals." Their first summer going to the pool I had to put Alex and Logan in one wagon and I connected another wagon for Liam and Rylee. It looked like a train and it soon got very heavy to pull. It was nice when they could walk themselves. I thought about when I first started watching them and how far they have come and how much they have changed. I remembered Liams first day and how he would go and go until he would find a quiet spot somewhere and curl up and sleep. On that day he found his way under the jumpy and he looked so cute sleeping under it. I then thought about how I would play peek a boo with Logan and when I put a blanket over his face he would start kicking and waving his arms to the point you would think he was have a seizure but he would be laughing. I remembered Rylees first steps and how crazy it was I would have to change her bib 4 times a day because she would soak it up with drool. I actually got to see Logans first steps too. I got to see alot of their firsts. Now as they walked and talked and laughed it felt like those days were only yesterday. All these memories came rushing back and my heart felt a huge tug. Packer backer day, building forts in the living room, art projects so messy I still find bits of it everywhere, going to the pool, watching it snow, kissing their owees, taking their temps, missing them while I was on vacation, making our rock band, watching movies and so much more. I use to take them to the park and they would play on the slide or on those things that rock back and forth on springs. I remembered having to rotate them out of high chairs so they could all eat. I remember their first times up at the table and how messy it was. They would get so excited when a new toy appeared and they would play with it all day. We made up a song with their names and everything. I knew they would eventually grow up and move on but it went by way to fast. I miss them being little and snugly. Its a hard job and some days are worse then others but I wouldn't change a thing I wouldn't give up a single bad day and I would definitely do it again. thanks for the memories kids I love you all..xoxo

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