Monday, August 3, 2009

And so it begins...

After several weeks of numerous failed attempts, face dives, screaming out of frustration tantrums, Jade has officially become a crawler. And so it begins, the making sure all the doors are shut, gates are closed, dangerous toys picked up and all that other safe stuff is done everywhere! Not that it doesn't get done but before we could leave the gates open and know it would take her 20 minutes to reach it, now it'll be 20 seconds! I was a little worried but was ok that the crawling was taking so long. She was pulling herself up to stand before she actually crawled. Of course she was mobile, scooting and army crawling or just rolling to get where she wanted to go but now its so much faster. I am sad my mom and grandma missed it but I think they were just as excited to see how she gets around, cause it was really cute. Way to go baby Jade. thanks for reading xoxo

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