Sunday, August 2, 2009

Its Sunday again and that means another week is about to start. We had a good Friday, the kids and I went to the pool and had some fun. Jade splashed with Kale and Rylee, Logan, Eli, and Alex played all kinds of things. We kicked off the weekend with the neighbors who had some friends over, which we knew from last summer and who Kato knows from work. Anyway we had some drinks in the back yard and told silly stories until our other neighbor came out and fed the guys some dog food. I went inside after that. Ok they don't really feed their dog regular dog food, he eats people food and our neighbor runs a catering business so he brought home some pork and he was going to feed it to the dogs when he saw us outside. I went in so whatever happened after that was a mystery and since Kato didn't come in until 2am I assume it was a good time. Somehow throughout the night Alex climbed into bed with us and when Jade woke up in the morning I pulled her in bed to feed her and we went back to sleep until about 7:30 then we all seemed to wake up. Good thing Michael is at a friends house cause I doubt we could have fit one more person in our bed. It was really cute playing with the kids for a bit. We decided to go to the farmers market downtown Madison. We got there about 9:30 hit the bakeries for some scones and elephant ears. We picked up some cucumbers, zucchini, green peppers, onions, green beans, raspberries, potatoes, and tried some various jerky. We washed it down with some apple cider all while shopping the square. It wasn't too busy at first but it got packed quick. We also did some shopping down state street and the outside part of the square. We got lunch at Michaels Frozen Custard and then hit the mall. Surprising we really didn't get that much stuff considering we shopped from 9:30 am until 5pm. Most of it was good nutritious vegetables which we love. After getting home we unpacked and had some dinner followed by a movie, Body of Lies. Kato stayed up a bit to watch the Brewers game that they lost and Alex fell asleep in his bed watching some cartoons. When we woke up this morning there were only 2 of us and I thought if I fed Jade in our bed maybe she would go back to sleep but she didn't. She rolled back and forth between Kato and I saying dada and passing gas. Like Father Like Daughter! Anyway we ran some errands and now we are going to the pool. Should be fun and Alex is anxious to get in the big pool. Its August now and football preseason starts in 2 weeks. GO PACK GO!! Speaking of Packers when we were on State street I saw a t shirt that had a picture of Brett Favre and it read "we will never forget you Brent" I liked it. thanks for reading xoxo

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