Sunday, August 9, 2009

School, Golf, and Baseball

Michael had school registration on Thursday. I can't believe he will be a sophomore this year. Time is really flying by. It seems like only yesterday he was a little chunky boy who wanted nothing more then to ride bikes and build forts. Now he sleeps all day and wants nothing more then to drive and milk cows. I guess at that age you'd do about anything to get your hands on some teats.

On Saturday Kato, Michael, Michael's friend Joey, and I all went golfing. We had Jayne and Keith watch Alex and Jade for the day. We went to this place in Madison that was celebrating 54 years! Imagine that 54 again!! Anyway, the par 3 course only cost us $2 a person, regularly $7+. It was super hot but we had alot of fun. I managed to play the 9 holes with the same pink ball where as the boys all had lost theirs within the first couple of holes. After the par 3 we decided to hit a bucket of balls at the driving range, it again was only $2 a bucket regularly alot more! We had no idea this sale was going on but we sure were happy it was! After the bucket of balls we went to a Mallards baseball game. We had free tickets so we figured it would be fun to get in another game before the end of the regular season. The Mallards won 3-1. We picked up Alex and Jade about 9:30 and came home. It was super muggy out and today is supposed to be even worse so we might have to hit the swimming pool. We had a great weekend and next weekend is the Lamb cousins camping trip. It will be fun. thanks for reading xoxo

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