Saturday, September 26, 2009

Eagle Pride

Yesterday I took the kids to the Homecoming parade. Eli, Luci, and Alex rode their bikes and the babies rode in the stroller. It wasn't a very long parade but it was fun and something to do outside. It drizzled a bit but we were fine. Michael had a great game on Thursday against Mt. Horeb. It started a bit late but that didn't stop the Eagles from beating the Vikings. We hoped it would be a sign that the varsity team would also win but they didn't. Last night Michael got home and announced he was done with the varsity team because he doesn't get play time. I don't blame him but I don't like the thought of him losing out on opportunity because of it. Whatever makes him happy is good enough for me. The next two JV games are at home so lets hope for victory!! thanks for reading xoxo

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