Sunday, September 27, 2009

Sunday again...

Its Sunday again and that means football stress. Actually I have calmed down a bit about the fantasy football drama. I think I am realizing there is not much I can do about it. I try to pick the best players for that day and go from there. This week I forgot to change up one of my players and I am kicking myself for that but there isn't much I can do now. I rode my bike to the Pig today to get some groceries and by the time I got back, showered, and sat at the computer to change my line up it was too late and I was rushed. Anyway, the Packers won and the Seahawks lost and that Favre jackass decided to win it for the Vikings. Next Monday night will be a good game as the Pack will take on the Vikings at their house. Will be intense~~

So 7 days ago I was in San Francisco with my girlfriends wishing the Seahawks would win and upset that the Pack lost and hoping Kato wasn't messing up my Fantasy Football (he did a good job). Its sad how fast the weekend goes. Too bad we can't have 3 day weekends all the time. Well I am off to watch Sunday night football. thanks for reading xoxo

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