Friday, September 18, 2009

Seahawks and kitchen helpers

Well as suspected I lost my first match up in fantasy football. The thing that sucks the most is that it was only by 1.08 points. Anyway its ok I just need to learn to let it all go. So this weekend is a special weekend for me. I am on my way to San Francisco to meet up with 8 other ladies for the Seahawks vs. 49ers football game. Its a great time and there is no testosterone!! Not that I mind the boys but sometimes a grown woman needs other female friends to hang out with. I am super excited and can't wait to see everyone...especially Julie. Julie and I have been friends for like 10 years at least. She is the one with long reddish hair in my wedding party. Last time I went to ladies football weekend we stayed in the same hotel as the Seahawks and I got to meet Matt Hasselbeck and I have my pic with him. I also got to meet Deion Branch and some other players. It was so much fun even though they lost to Arizona. Last year I didn't go because I was pregnant with Jade and she was having some problems with her heart and I didn't think it was safe to go. So this year in California there will be 9 ladies in the rowdy girl section! Its gonna be fun but I will miss my family.

Lately I have been having little helpers in the kitchen and only when I am not actually using the stove. Its funny to watch Kale and Jade in there with me. They get so excited to be in the kitchen. Probably because I usually keep them out. I don't want them picking up little pieces of dropped food or whatever off the floor and I don't want them to hit their heads on the table and chairs. But aren't these pics so cute of them! thanks for reading xoxo

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