Monday, September 21, 2009

Pretty Pretty

Jade had her 9 month check up and everything is looking great. She weighed in at 18 pounds 1 ounce, her height was at 27 inches and her head...well its still way bigger then the rest of her. She ended up getting a flu shot which in turn got a flu shot for Kato and I as well. Alex and Michael went in for one today. Anyway, the doctor said she is going well and not to worry that her head measures in the 75% range and the rest of her doesn't make it to the 50% range. She is meeting all the milestones and exceeding them. I am happy with her progress and just love her even more! Since she got her shot in the leg I can only imagine it was sore which is why she decided to wake up at 3:15am and was a bit fussy. She is standing alone and she cut her first top tooth on Wednesday. thanks for reading xoxo

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