Monday, September 14, 2009

Fantasy Football

I know that fantasy football is just that...a fantasy but I had no idea it would be this stressful on me. I am pretty competitive and if I am going to play something I want to try and win. There are a few exceptions such as when I play with the kids or when there isn't money on the line. This is my first year playing fantasy football and I really have no idea what I am doing. I can for the most part figure alot out myself but how can you predict who is going to play and who isn't. You don't know if someone is going to start or not until its almost too late. Plus it doesn't help that I don't know all the players that well and have to pick from a list created by someone who went off of last years stats. So yesterday was a big day for me. I watched way more football then usual and got way more frustrated then usual. I wanted the Packers to win but I wanted the defense to have big plays, which they did, and I wanted to see how Jay Cutler played. Why?? Because on my FF team I have Green Bay defense and Jay Cutler is one of my QBs. I also have some pretty sucky running backs and wide receivers compared to the other teams on my league. I wanted to change all my players but wasn't sure if I should because they don't always suck and most of them are pretty good but yesterday my most valuable player was Joe Flacco, my other QB. I have to do something and I just don't know what to do except change my players. When we drafted I picked 8th and even though I got two picks somewhat close together I still ended up with players who didn't play well yesterday and with one more game tonight I think I will end up losing my first match up. I am ok with that...sort of. I don't like losing but understand that I will sometimes lose. There were times yesterday when my husband said "ooh can you get him?" and I would check and say no he is taken and my heart would sink because I couldn't understand how the other ladies had such insight on the players and would pick them up before they even played. I guess with time I will get better but at this point I am not sure if Fantasy Football is for me. It supposed to be fun but what fun is it when I can't enjoy the games without thinking " will that give me points or take them away?" I am going to sit down and do more research on players and hopefully created a better team with the slim pickins that are left. Wish me luck! thanks for reading xoxo

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