Saturday, September 26, 2009

Garin, Farin, Sarin, and Flash

For the past year or so Alex has had some imaginary friends. It started with Garin. He was a good buddy to Alex and everything that was going on around Alex is what Garin was going through too. Unfortunately, Garin passed along with Michael's grandpa Larry. Sarin always played a minor role but was there. Always quiet and shy and he didn't seem to be a huge figure in Alex's adventures. Sarin died before Garin when Michaels friends dads past away. Farin has come into play alot lately. He goes to school and is a doctor. He drives and lives with nobody because both his parents are living with Jesus. Sometimes Farin gets into trouble and sometimes Farin gets Alex into trouble. He is usually around 600 years old or some made up number. Today Alex started talking about Flash. Flash came over in his car today and is now playing and watching cartoons with Alex. I heard Alex tell Flash to get down from the walls and he scolded him for climbing up there. I am glad that Alex has friends to talk to but sometimes I wonder about that kid. I will have to learn more about his new friend Flash. I hope its normal and ok to have imaginary friends like this and to this extent. thanks for reading xoxo

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