Monday, September 7, 2009

Monday through Monday

Its been a great week. Monday night I drafted for Fantasy Football. It is my first year playing and we will see how it goes. I think I did ok. Tuesday was Rylees last day at daycare and she is now officially a kindergartner. Logan started kindergarten too and is no longer with us everyday. It was bittersweet and as I was creating their photo books and DVDs it brought back so many wonderful memories. So on Wednesday it was pretty quiet around here. I told Alex he is now the biggest and the oldest at daycare and his response was "Yep, and that makes me the boss!" He starts back up at preschool on Wednesday. I can tell he is excited and ready. I will miss him when he goes to school full time. We celebrated Packer Backer day on Thursday and the kids wore their Packer gear. too cute huh? Too bad they lost but then again its only preseason. Michael had a great game on Thursday. He played the JV game against Monore. He ended up getting 3 sacks, one forced fumble, a blocked field goal and they won!!! Then Friday he played varsity and he finally got playing time! Being a sophomore he doesn't get much playing time on varsity and he doesn't like that much but he sticks with it, goes with the flow and is getting some great experience. Anyway, he had a great tackle and it looked like it hurt. I felt sorry for the other guy. They won which was nice cause it had been a long time since varsity won their first home game of the season. Saturday was cow chip here in town. It was extra busy as Culvers was also celebrating 25 years or something like that. We went down to the parade, walked through the craft fair, ate some yummy food and called it a day. We didn't go down to the beer tent for the concert this year and it was perfectly fine with me. We hosted a block party with our neighbors on Sunday and we had a great turn out. Ms. Maria came and played guitar for us and sang, we roasted marshmallows, the kids played and we had awesome burgers, brats and dogs!!! Everyone brought a dish to pass and the boys stayed up real late again. Next year will be even better!!! This morning I got up made scrambled eggs with ham, and waffles, took some to Dan and Ellen, cleaned up and Kato is napping off and on. He's tired but I would be too if I were up till 3:30 hanging out with friends and then making loud banging sounds in the house. I thought something bad was happening but it turns out he was just cleaning the kitchen. Go figure but thank you Big Daddy!! Anyway, its the start of a new week and pretty soon I will be on my way to San Fransisco for ladies football weekend!! Go Hawks! thanks for reading xoxo

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