Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Happy 8th Anniversary

Today Kato and I will celebrate 8 years of marriage. Our wedding was so beautiful and wonderful and fun but our life together since has been better! I am very lucky to have a good husband who takes care of his family first. I am lucky that he doesn't chose to have kids so they can be just photos in his wallet or a good story to tell the guys. I am lucky he doesn't want to be gone so much that his kids don't know him. I am lucky he treats Michael like his own and is always there for him. I am lucky that he loves us and shows it. I am lucky that he is the one I can lean on even if its not in a good way but he knows that I need it. I am lucky he can fix anything, make anything, change things for the better. I am lucky he has a wonderful family that accepts me unconditionally. I think about how lucky I am and wonder why I would ever wish for more. What I mean by that is why do I wish I would win the lottery, when money doesn't buy you happiness but his love makes me so happy or why do I wish I could travel on a whim more often when the only place I really want to be is by his side. Sometimes I get mad and sometimes so does he. Our marriage is perfect and not in the way that we don't have downs but our ups definitely out way the downs. A perfect marriage isn't being happy all the time its being able to work out the differences, loving someone unconditionally, climbing walls instead of putting them up, working it out, remembering to laugh and share. These things take work but it should never feel like work and with my husband it doesn't. I look at our kids and thank God for our creations which include Michael because Kato has been such a big part of his life for the past 10 years. Kato would do anything for him and I am lucky to have found a man who would do that because I know there are alot of guys out there who wouldn't. I can go on and on about how wonderful he is but the only person I really care about knowing all this is him. I hope you know it Kato and I hope you feel it. I love you so very much everyday all the time and love being your wife. For all the times I forgot to show it and all the times I meant to say it, its eternally there. thanks for reading xoxo

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