Monday, October 19, 2009

Are you going to act this way...

Its funny how things can come back to bite you. The other night we were sitting around the table eating dinner and Alex was acting a bit out of line. He wasn't too bad but it was getting to that point. Kato asked him "are you going to act this way up at the cottage?" You see the boys are heading up there for a weekend and the girls are going to stay home. It is going to be a clean up weekend so if we all go one of us would have to stay inside with Jade and that person would not be very helpful so it is better to just stay back. Anyway, back up at the table Alex answered with a "noooo!" It was fine and we went on to eat in peace. Later that night as we were watching a movie and hanging out Alex and Kato were playing a bit in the living room. Kato must have been a bit rough with Alex cause he started to whine about it being too rough. At that moment Alex turned to his dad and yelled at him "ARE YOU GOING TO ACT THIS WAY UP AT THE COTTAGE?" It was too funny and I couldn't help but giggle a bit even though little Alex was very serious. I guess it just goes to show we really do take after our parents!

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