Thursday, October 22, 2009

JV and Varsity Football comes to an end

High school football has come to an end. Michael had a very busy season with alot of ups and downs...literally! The JV team did fairly well this year compared to past seasons, they finished 7-3 which includes the game against Wisconsin Heights. It was kinda sad though because the boys get it in their minds when they are going to suffer a loss and they end up doing just that. They give up before the game even starts. Also it doesn't help that Deforest and Waunakee are usually undefeated except when they play each other. I think as our town goes the boys are more of a wrestling type anyway. So good job to the JV team I am really proud of our Eagles!! As for the Varsity...well they sucked!!! I am not going to even post their record as it is really truly bad. The good part was Michael got to be a member of the team and he did get some playing time with the big boys. As a matter of fact last night was their last game against the mighty Waunakee and they lost but Michael got to start. I made sure to tape the game although I doubt he will want to keep it. I hope that next season they do well and I am looking forward to going to his games. Today wrestling officially started and I know Michael is excited as he somehow almost prefers this sport now. I think it is because it is more of an individual sport and he doesn't have to rely on others to win, its all up to him how he does. He can control the outcome more. I love that he plays sports and I will always encourage my kids to play sports over anything else. He still has to find a job and juggle school, sports, working, and play time. I know he can do it! He is a great guy and everyday I look at him I feel proud of him. I just love him and want nothing but the best for him. thanks for reading xoxo

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