Friday, October 2, 2009

Trains and Toddlers

Today the Jesus Loves Me Preschool had their first field trip. Alex, Eli, Luci, Kale, Jade, Stacey, Staceys mom and friend, and I all went to North Freedom and rode the trains. It was fun. The kids were super excited to go. We got up there around 11 and had some lunch. It was chilly out and the kids didn't eat very well plus they were excited to get on board the train. After a 5 minute potty break we boarded the train, got our tickets, found a seat and away we about 2 miles per hour. The train was old fashioned and had alot of history that none of the children were really interested in but they are only 3 and 4 years old. The setting was pretty because the colors are changing. We had an entire car to ourselves so the kids were playing up and down the isle and just having fun. Sometimes I caught them looking out the window all quiet and I couldn't help but wonder what they were thinking. For most of them it was their first time on a train. We rode for awhile then the engineer unhooked the engine and drove it to the back of the train, rehooked it up and we went back to the station. It was about a 50 minute ride. The conductor punched our tickets, answered some questions and helped us on and off the train. It was a great field trip and I am glad I was able to go. Now all the kids are snoozing...thank you fresh air!! thanks for reading xoxo

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