Sunday, October 4, 2009

Green Monster and Facebook

Just when I thought I had created a monster, the monster destroyed itself. For the past few weeks I have been encouraging Kato to try Facebook. I wanted to build him a farm mostly but also because I thought it would be a good way for him to get in touch with his Navy buddies and family and of course a few close friends. See, I am very picky about who I let be my friend on Facebook. I get requests but don't always accept because I am not the kind of person who wants hundreds of friends especially if they are not my friends only acquaintances so I figured Kato would be the same way. The nice thing about FB is that you can pick who you want as a friend, what they can see, and you post what you want when you want. I don't want pedophiles to see my kids, I don't want to chat with people in high school who weren't my friends back then and I sure as heck don't want to be bombarded with crap. Anyway, Kato has been teasing me about my farming and playing my games when I get a chance to. I get to check it through out the day on the itouch and sometimes on the main computer when the kids are napping or eating or at night and sometimes I don't log off. So finally on Saturday I get him to start on FB and he begins with alot of questions that were honestly driving me crazy. He was really concerned with it and how it all works. I tried to answer as best as I could but its kind of hard if you don't know FB or haven't seen it. So Saturday night he starts looking up friends and people. I teased him about looking up old girlfriends which lets face it almost everybody does and its not a big deal just be honest about it. I also teased him about figuring it all out and that its not so complicated. It was all in good fun until our movie started and he was still on FB. After the movie he continued to be on it and he and Alex stayed up to watch another movie together. Jade and I had gone to bed and at about 3:30 in the morning Jade wakes up. I get up and notice Kato isn't in bed. I figured he was sleeping on the couch or with Alex. I had to go get Jade some milk to help her back to sleep and as I get down the stairs with her in my arms I realize Kato isn't sleeping he is STILL on FB!!! I couldn't believe it. I had created a monster! He had been on FB for about 8 hours!!!! And he didn't even start a farm. I made a comment about it being 3:30 AM and we had to get up and go look at a house. I was a bit upset but whatever. So he comes upstairs and goes to bed. I couldn't sleep anymore because my shoulder was hurting and I was a little concerned about the entire thing which yes seems stupid but I didn't want FB to consume him so much. Anyway, I ended up watching He's Just Not That Into You which at this point wasn't the best movie to watch considering my husband was up all night looking up old girlfriends and whomever else. Ok I was maybe a little jealous. So you can imagine my surprise when he was up at 7:45am with Jade. I asked him about it and he gave me vague answers so I just let it go cause I would rather not know then have him lie to me. Besides its not like I can't find out but if I can't get a straight answer from him then do I really want to So tonight he tells me he decided FB isn't for him and he doesn't want to be on FaceBook. So needless to say I am fine with that but a little sad because its a good way to get in touch with REAL friends. Someone like him who was in the Navy and has buddies all over the world should have a way to get in touch without his concerns getting the best of him or me. Maybe in time or maybe I should just let him use mine either way its really up to him even if I don't get a Farming Neighbor out of it. thanks for reading xoxo

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