Sunday, October 11, 2009

Night of the Living...sick and not feeling well

Sometime Wednesday night Alex got sick. Not a fever sick but vomiting sick. It was horrible as he was up until 11:15 getting sick then through out the night he woke up to vomit some more. My heart was broken as he looked at me and asked "when is it going to stop?" I knew he was hurting cause he had nothing left to vomit up yet his little body kept trying to purge the toxins. The next morning Kato took him to the doctor who concluded he had gastroenteritis. So he was on a no food diet, but he could have flat coke, jello water, and Gatorade. Poor little Jade must have had some of it too because she woke up with vomit all over her and her bed. I felt bad because I never knew she too had gotten sick during the night. She never woke up and cried or made a fuss. Kato stayed home to help take care of them and I continued to have kids that day. It turned out little Eli also got some stomach aches and as he was going big job he said he was going to throw up so with two kids sick it was a handful. Eli went home early and he was so sad to be sick he asked his mommy to take him to the hospital. It was cute but sad because I knew he was hurting too. So later that night after all the kids went home Kato decided Alex was ok to eat a bit. We gave him some banana and he held it down. The doctor said to start with the brat diet...bananas rice apples toast. Well someone gave Alex some stuff he should not have had and come early Saturday morning Alex was vomiting blue stuff and was sick yet again. This time it got all over our bed and so we had to get up at 4am and change all the stuff. The boys stayed up and I went back to sleep. Alex started getting better again but this time we stuck to the brat diet and resisted the urge to give him what he wanted to eat. We told him he would get sick again but its not easy telling your kids they can't eat something when they are hungry and haven't eaten much in the past two days. We brought up the Halloween decorations and started decorating the inside. We will finish up the outside today but it is so cold outside. The Packers have a bye week this week so maybe we will have a relaxing Sunday. Lets hope all the other daycare kids are well and have had a good weekend. thanks for reading xoxo

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