Friday, October 9, 2009

Goodbye Summer Hello Fall

Its definitely not summer anymore. We are expecting temperatures reaching the high 40's! Its cold, wet, and yet beautiful. The colors are changing and the grass is still green. It really is a nice time of year. The leaves are reds and oranges and some are falling off the trees. Its crispy outside and it feels good to breathe in that fresh air. I love being super warm under the covers and having it chilly outside the covers and snuggling the kids to keep them warm when they sneak into our bed at night. I love that it means thanksgiving is almost here and Jayne will be making her super yummy stuffing!! I don't really love knowing that we will be cooped up inside and the children will be restless but we always manage to get by. We had a great summer although it wasn't nearly as warm as we would have liked. The garden produced tons of cucumbers, peas, and tomatoes, and we got a couple of carrots. Some flowers from last year popped up and a friendly bird deposited a sunflower that sprouted up. Kato has been eating cucumbers now for a good month. Alex likes them too. We got to go to the pool and play outside alot. Alex learned to ride a two wheeler. We went up to the cottage and had great fishing. I guess if I could have changed one thing about this past summer it would have been the temperature, it needed to be a bit hotter. Now it's time to prep the snow plow and put away the outside toys cause soon the snow will be falling and if you haven't seen our driveway well lets just say its a small parking lot! thanks for reading xoxo

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