Friday, October 2, 2009

Thursdays Game

I went to go watch Michael play in the JV game against Baraboo in the rain and wind. The team was really hyped up about the weather and they had too much fun. My broke a** umbrella barely did me any service and my shoes were puddles inside. I watched the game standing cause the bleachers were wet and my hands were freezing. Even with all the negative stuff it was probably the most fun I had watching Michael play ever. I think it was because he had such a great time. The guys were growling and hooting and really just loved the game. By the 3rd quarter they decided to call the game which was a good thing because it was thundering and lightening out. Besides every other play was a turn over since the ball and field was nothing but a mushy mud puddle. The Eagles won 22-0 and at the end of the game they did belly slides in the mud. I thought about how muddy the kids were but as soon as you saw the laughter in their eyes all you could do was smile and love that they were loving the moment. I wish every game could be that way for the boys cause they have really had a great season so far. They are 5-1 with 3 more games. thanks for reading xoxo

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