Sunday, June 28, 2009

Circus World

We had a busy Sunday! We decided to go to Circus World in Baraboo. It was a beautiful day, not too hot with a blue sky and sunshine. We got there around 10 and headed straight for the tiger show. It wasn't all that great and we left a bit early but thats ok because we wanted to get good seats for the circus show. That show was really neat. The main ring was small and I thought it would be another let down based on size but what do we all know about judging things by their size?? Good things come in small packages right? The show started off with these two guys who wore white pants and did all kinds of flippy things with one another. The little little guy flipped around by his butt on the other guys feet. It was pretty cool. After that they had some girl come out and do some bendy things on a table followed by another girl doing twirly things on a rope way up high. Then a clown came out and made us laugh for a bit. There was a girl and guy act and the girl probably weighed about 90 pounds soaking wet and the guy was probably 180. They did some bendy things and showed strength moves, it was impressive. The next act was a guy and two girls. The guy had all these stilts that he balanced on his forehead and shoulders and the girls would climb up and do more twirly things. One girl even went in fast circles by her hair way up high. They saved the best for last of course and we all were in amazement. They brought out 3 elephants with a trainer and a stunt girl who rode on one of them. They had these elephants sit, lay down, form that pyramid thing and one even balanced on a big ball which was so fun to watch and I couldn't believe how close we were to it all. The elephants were my favorite part. For a 45 minute show it was really awesome to watch. After the show we got some lunch and Alex wanted to play at the playground for a few minutes. So while he was playing I went to stand in line to meet Spongebob Squarepants. Yes he had left Bikini Bottom to visit us in Baraboo. So we had our pics with him and did a little more exploring before we went for the final show. Alex and Kato rode the carousel and I changed Jades diaper. The show was about to begin and we missed out on riding the elephants but thats ok cause just watching them perform was good enough for me. Once inside the main stage again we found our same spots as before and enjoyed a magic show. It was pretty good and we were in awe of the talents. We were pretty happy all in all with Circus World. After that we headed up to the airport for the airshow. We only stayed for about an hour as we are not the airshow enthusiasts as some people are. It was fun to watch some of the stunts but it was time to move on. We had to stop at Menards for a home project we are doing in Michaels room and then to the grocery store. We decided to grill some brats for dinner and get the pool cleaned out so that we can get in a movie tonight. Last night we watched Blindness, it was weird and it left alot of questions which I don't really get why but whatever it was a decent movie for the most part. I love weekends where we do stuff like this, I only wish Michael would have been there because it feels weird having family pictures without him. I hope he is having a good time in WA. Have a great week and thanks for reading. xoxo

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