Sunday, January 31, 2010

Salmon or Grapes

Last Christmas we were up in Green Bay where Jade had her first taste of Salmon. It was smoked and Kato gave it to her. I am fine with her having new foods and the doctor says she can have what we have. After a little while she ended up throwing up. She was sick later that night and I had to run out and find her some Tylenol. I posted about it. Anyway, last night we had Salmon, wild rice, and broccoli. Jade had the same and I added some grapes and jello ( she didn't eat any jello). After an hour she threw up. I was upstairs watching a movie since the boys were watching a scary one downstairs. Alex came running up, yelling "Jade is puking all over!" We got her cleaned up with a bath and clean clothes only to have her throw up again. I felt really bad for her cause there really wasn't anything I could do except clean her. Kato was working on the clean up in the living room while I worked on her in the bath again. So two baths, two sets of pjs both for Jade and Kato and we thought it was over but it wasn't. She threw up over the course of about 5-6 hours. One time Kato was holding her in the kitchen and she started puking on him and somehow his head was turned facing her just right and he got her puke spray on his face. I had to take her right away as he was shouting out "oh gosh, that is sick, I am gonna do it too!!" He did NOT vomit thank goodness. She held nothing down and was miserable. I don't want to sound happy but she was a huge Daddy's girl and so Kato was puked on about 5 times cause she only wanted him to hold her. We had a bowl which helped but sometimes it would just happen without enough notice. Anyway, they slept downstairs on the floor and like a good brother Alex kept vigil with her too all night long. He slept through most of the episodes but he wasn't going to leave her side. He told me many times he feels really bad and asked if she needed to go to the "hopspitoll." I did call there twice cause we were not sure if it was an allergy to the Salmon or maybe we got bad grapes. The nurse said it sounded more like a food poisoning then an allergy but Kato insists it was an allergic reaction to the Salmon. All I know is I am very proud of my husband for taking such good care of her and this morning it seems she is on the mend. thanks for reading xoxo

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Pancake Batter

So this morning I decided to make the kids some pancakes for breakfast. We usually have them once a week. I had the griddle out and ready to go, the 4 cups of batter was mixed and sitting on the counter in a shiny silver bowl. Jade was also in the kitchen at the time pulling out my pots and pans from below where I was fixing breakfast. I opened the cupboard to get out the plastic plates when all of a sudden they slipped out of my hands and landed straight into the pancake batter. When they landed in the batter they acted like a big scoop and scooped out all but one cup of batter. The batter went flying and landed right on top of Jades head. To be exact I had one dime size spill on the floor and one quarter size spill on the cupboard door below but the rest landed right on her head. She immediately reached up with her hand to feel the goo. With a big clump in her hand she looked up at me with a look of "what the heck was that for" and I couldn't help but laugh. I wanted to get a picture but she started to dig in her ears as it was now running down her head into her ears, on her face, and landing on her shoulders. I had to clean it off of her but laughed the entire time. She didn't cry but oh my was it funny. Breakfast went on afterward without further incident. thanks for reading xoxo

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

SP vs Reedsburg Wrestling

We went to Michaels wrestling match last night which for me lasted all of 25 minutes and I didn't even get to see his match. Well I watched it on tv but I hated not being there to cheer him on. Alex was acting up and Jade was on a walk with Grandma just after she started screaming over a Gatorade bottle. So after their breakdowns I had had it and took them both home. Alex went straight to bed and Jade soon followed. It was another reminder why we should NOT bring Alex and Jade to those types of events. I am really proud of Michael and want to support him more and be there for him and I hate that I can't be there. He needs me too and for just one night just a couple of hours it would be nice to have him all to myself without the distractions of other peoples needs. He deserves that. I am so sorry Michael for not being there. He had a great match although he did not win he worked so hard and had a great couple of moves. He wrestled the guy for over 5 minutes and avoided an earlier pin by getting out of the hold. It was intense and he showed alot of skill and growth that comes from hard work and practice. I am very proud of you Michael, you did good!!! Next week is Parents Night against Waunakee and I will be there for sure! thanks for reading xoxo

Monday, January 25, 2010

the gift was....

So a few posts ago I mentioned something about a gift. I don't know if you remember but you can look back and read about it. It has been a couple of months now and I can finally say without jinxing it what it was. My mom and dad are smokers. My dad has said he will never quit and he will be a smoker until he dies. My mom has tried to stop several times throughout the years and has always started back up again. Before I found out I was pregnant my parents stopped smoking. I was shocked cause they did it and didn't even say a word to me that they were stopping. My mom used the patch and my dad used some medicine. Both have stopped using the help tools and both have been smoke free since. I am very proud of both of them and hope that they never start again. The reason it is such a gift is because we all know the dangers and health hazards that come from smoking. I wanted them to be able to live life and enjoy everything that comes with it. I hope it wasn't too late for them and they can live that life and enjoy their grandkids. I am very proud and love you guys very much, thank you for the gift. Thanks for reading xoxo

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Things go wrong but it could be worse.

Last night Kato comes home and says he heard some hissing coming from the car. Of course he drove over something sharp that got stuck in the tire and now its flat. We also had a pipe upstairs break a few years ago and ever since we have been fixing it to last a little bit and then it breaks again. Last time it broke the water ran down the floor and came through the ceiling into the kitchen. We need to get it permanently fixed! I have been working really long hours on Fridays and its rough, especially yesterday cause I had extra kids and being tired from not sleeping well cause I have to pee every hour and I can't breath cause my nose is stuffy just makes it worse. So last night after eating I am watching the Haiti fund raising thing on every channel and I start to get mad at myself for being such a jerk when there is so many people who have it way worse that I do. I tried calling a million times to donate money but the phones were always busy. I felt guilty that I felt like the entire world is working against us when the people of Haiti are in such ruins. So oh well if the tire is flat and is expensive to fix and at least the pipe is working fine now and thank goodness I have a job to make money to fix these things and I can still drink coffee when I am tired. I am glad we have the things we have and I appreciate it all. Thanks for reading xoxo

Monday, January 18, 2010

Alex and Daddys Friday night fun

Friday night Alex was so excited to have his daddy all to himself. He was talking about it all day, about how he and his dad were going to sleep in the living room (on the pull out bed), eat pizza, drink Mt. Dew, and watch scary movies. He couldn't wait!! It was a long day for me and I ended up working 12 hours. Once it was over we ordered the pizza and since I had already got the boys a movie on Thursday they were all set. I don't like scary movies and have no desire to sit with them through Halloween II. At about 8ish Alex was getting antsy for his big man date with his dad and he asked when Jade and I were going to bed. Well he convinced me to go upstairs and let Jade stay downstairs so that he could get the movie started. He quickly grabbed him and his dad a Mt. Dew and stated "OK DAD LETS START THE MOVIE!!" After a half hour of watching tv in my room Alex comes up and says "mommy" (in that too cute to resist voice) I say yes? he asks me when is Jade going to bed cause "she is making the movie difficult" I don't know how she could but whatever. I head downstairs to see what is going on. It turned out to be nothing and that Alex just really wanted it to be him and dad time. So since it was time for Jade to go to bed I scooped her up and put her to bed. As I was carrying her upstairs I said to her love you and gave her a kiss and repeated it about 10 times. It was so sweet to hear her say wuv woo back. Later that night (about 4am) the boys crawled into bed with me. I guess the movies were too scary for them...turns out Alex had too much Mt. Dew and had a little accident. TGIF everyone. thanks for reading xoxo

Friday, January 15, 2010

Week 12 Check up

I had a doctors appointment last night and it took forever!! Everything is going well so far and in just one day I will be 13 weeks. With the first trimester almost over I am looking forward to having some of my energy restored, at least I hope it does. With Jade it did, Alex too, can't remember with Michael. The heart rate was 153 and I gained 4 pounds. I thought it was more but glad it wasn't. This so far is the least amount of weight gained compared to Alex and Jade, I know cause I asked. I guess its a good thing I am not craving cupcakes this time. Next month I will have blood work done for testing. They test for 4 different birth defects including down syndrome. I am still trying to enjoy this pregnancy and savor every second. I know it sounds weird but I like being pregnant even when it makes me tired or crabby. I like the bonding with the baby and knowing something loved and special is developing. Its fun when Alex asks me questions about it such as "can I look in there and see it?" or "can you touch it?" Just last night when I came home from the doc he asked if it was a boy or girl right away and where it was. Again I explained it won't be ready until July and I won't know if its a boy or a girl until March. I told him I would take him with me if he wanted to find out and he said he would go to the ultrasound. At night he cuddles up with me on the couch and asks alot of questions too. Who knows maybe he will be a baby doctor when he grows up. Thanks for reading xoxo

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Gator got 3rd place!!

Saturday I spent the day running back and forth from the house to the high school, to food places, to grocery stores. Michael had a wrestling tournament which involved 14 different schools. It all got started early Saturday morning with weigh ins. The matches got underway at 10:30. Since Michael was wrestling at 189 and they started off at 103 it took awhile to get to him. He pinned his first guy in about 50 seconds. I was really proud of him. His next match he got pinned but I was still really proud of him cause the guy was super ripped and a senior. Michael is only a sophomore. He ended up winning the rest of his matches and tied for 3rd place. His best friend Mikey got 1st in his weight class which I think was either 119 or 125. I got to see Mikey wrestle and that kid is a little spit fire. I got the boys some culvers afterwards and came home to a quiet house. I am really proud of Michael and it is so impressive watching him get fired up and trying so hard and winning and even losing. He is a good sport and works hard. His next match is at home with Mt. Horeb. He will be wrestling at 215. Those guys are HUGE. Wish him luck. thanks for reading xoxo

Kato Had a Birthday

Kato had a birthday. I won't say how old he is cause I am older then he is and if I give that number away then I only age myself. Anyway, I made him a cake. His dad came over for dinner and we had salad followed by pork chops, roasted potatoes, and mixed veggies. It was pretty good. We had cake and ice cream. I wish I could do more for him on his birthday. All of us enjoyed the blue cake I made, not the frosting but the actual cake was blue. He took the rest to work with him so I wouldn't eat it all. We had a nice snow storm and when we woke up on Friday it was beautiful. Friday night we went out to dinner to Red Lobster and saw a movie, Daybreakers. We haven't done that in forever, in fact the last movie we saw in the theater was the 300. We were going to see Avatar but decided on a shorter length movie. It was a great night. He left Saturday morning for Lamb Family Xmas while I stayed behind so I could be a part of Michaels wrestling tournament. thanks for reading xoxo

Alex does Jades Hair

Alex really likes playing hair salon with Jade. One night while she was in the bath he came up with this creation. Jade doesn't seem to mind him working his magic. Her hair stayed that way until her next bath, without hairspray.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Selling of the cottage SUCKS!!!!

Its been a sad day for me. I know some of it is hormones but the reality is there is some sad stuff going on right now. The cottage is selling and even though it might be for the best it really hurts. Once upon a time about 10 years ago someone said to me that it would someday be Katos and probably Matts but definitely Katos. Kato and I made some plans to retire up there and spend time making it more of a home then a cottage. Updating the insides and adding a few things to the outside. We talked about it alot when we first got married and all the time when we were up there. Kato told me once it was his favorite place in the world. Anyway it is selling and its very very sad. Last night I was dreaming about it and we were talking to Alex about it. We told him we can't go up there anymore and he got really upset and ran away. We couldn't find him. I woke up and started bawling my eyes out. I found Alex at the foot of our bed and pulled him up close and snuggled him after drying my eyes and getting a hold of myself. I just wish I could have won the lottery so that we could buy it and keep it where it should the family. Sad day for me hope yours is better. thanks for reading xoxo

Monday, January 4, 2010

Happy New Year

Wow what a New Years celebration we had. I stayed up until 9:30 and went to bed so tired I was asleep before hitting the pillow. Jade too was asleep by then but the guys stayed up later. I don't know if anyone watched the New Years ball drop or what. The next morning we woke up I made sticky buns, green and gold eggs, coffee and a sparkling punch. It was yummy. We rented some more movies and stayed in pretty much all day. I managed to stay up until 11 that night. Saturday we went to Chuck E Cheese, a craft store, and Target. Again we watched some movies ate some popcorn and called it a night. Sunday we watched football, cleaned a little, and watched more football. Good thing we took it so easy cause with all the partying we did we were really tuckered out...NOT!! Happy New Year everyone! thanks for reading xoxo