Friday, January 15, 2010

Week 12 Check up

I had a doctors appointment last night and it took forever!! Everything is going well so far and in just one day I will be 13 weeks. With the first trimester almost over I am looking forward to having some of my energy restored, at least I hope it does. With Jade it did, Alex too, can't remember with Michael. The heart rate was 153 and I gained 4 pounds. I thought it was more but glad it wasn't. This so far is the least amount of weight gained compared to Alex and Jade, I know cause I asked. I guess its a good thing I am not craving cupcakes this time. Next month I will have blood work done for testing. They test for 4 different birth defects including down syndrome. I am still trying to enjoy this pregnancy and savor every second. I know it sounds weird but I like being pregnant even when it makes me tired or crabby. I like the bonding with the baby and knowing something loved and special is developing. Its fun when Alex asks me questions about it such as "can I look in there and see it?" or "can you touch it?" Just last night when I came home from the doc he asked if it was a boy or girl right away and where it was. Again I explained it won't be ready until July and I won't know if its a boy or a girl until March. I told him I would take him with me if he wanted to find out and he said he would go to the ultrasound. At night he cuddles up with me on the couch and asks alot of questions too. Who knows maybe he will be a baby doctor when he grows up. Thanks for reading xoxo

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