Sunday, January 31, 2010

Salmon or Grapes

Last Christmas we were up in Green Bay where Jade had her first taste of Salmon. It was smoked and Kato gave it to her. I am fine with her having new foods and the doctor says she can have what we have. After a little while she ended up throwing up. She was sick later that night and I had to run out and find her some Tylenol. I posted about it. Anyway, last night we had Salmon, wild rice, and broccoli. Jade had the same and I added some grapes and jello ( she didn't eat any jello). After an hour she threw up. I was upstairs watching a movie since the boys were watching a scary one downstairs. Alex came running up, yelling "Jade is puking all over!" We got her cleaned up with a bath and clean clothes only to have her throw up again. I felt really bad for her cause there really wasn't anything I could do except clean her. Kato was working on the clean up in the living room while I worked on her in the bath again. So two baths, two sets of pjs both for Jade and Kato and we thought it was over but it wasn't. She threw up over the course of about 5-6 hours. One time Kato was holding her in the kitchen and she started puking on him and somehow his head was turned facing her just right and he got her puke spray on his face. I had to take her right away as he was shouting out "oh gosh, that is sick, I am gonna do it too!!" He did NOT vomit thank goodness. She held nothing down and was miserable. I don't want to sound happy but she was a huge Daddy's girl and so Kato was puked on about 5 times cause she only wanted him to hold her. We had a bowl which helped but sometimes it would just happen without enough notice. Anyway, they slept downstairs on the floor and like a good brother Alex kept vigil with her too all night long. He slept through most of the episodes but he wasn't going to leave her side. He told me many times he feels really bad and asked if she needed to go to the "hopspitoll." I did call there twice cause we were not sure if it was an allergy to the Salmon or maybe we got bad grapes. The nurse said it sounded more like a food poisoning then an allergy but Kato insists it was an allergic reaction to the Salmon. All I know is I am very proud of my husband for taking such good care of her and this morning it seems she is on the mend. thanks for reading xoxo

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