Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Kato Had a Birthday

Kato had a birthday. I won't say how old he is cause I am older then he is and if I give that number away then I only age myself. Anyway, I made him a cake. His dad came over for dinner and we had salad followed by pork chops, roasted potatoes, and mixed veggies. It was pretty good. We had cake and ice cream. I wish I could do more for him on his birthday. All of us enjoyed the blue cake I made, not the frosting but the actual cake was blue. He took the rest to work with him so I wouldn't eat it all. We had a nice snow storm and when we woke up on Friday it was beautiful. Friday night we went out to dinner to Red Lobster and saw a movie, Daybreakers. We haven't done that in forever, in fact the last movie we saw in the theater was the 300. We were going to see Avatar but decided on a shorter length movie. It was a great night. He left Saturday morning for Lamb Family Xmas while I stayed behind so I could be a part of Michaels wrestling tournament. thanks for reading xoxo

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