Saturday, January 23, 2010

Things go wrong but it could be worse.

Last night Kato comes home and says he heard some hissing coming from the car. Of course he drove over something sharp that got stuck in the tire and now its flat. We also had a pipe upstairs break a few years ago and ever since we have been fixing it to last a little bit and then it breaks again. Last time it broke the water ran down the floor and came through the ceiling into the kitchen. We need to get it permanently fixed! I have been working really long hours on Fridays and its rough, especially yesterday cause I had extra kids and being tired from not sleeping well cause I have to pee every hour and I can't breath cause my nose is stuffy just makes it worse. So last night after eating I am watching the Haiti fund raising thing on every channel and I start to get mad at myself for being such a jerk when there is so many people who have it way worse that I do. I tried calling a million times to donate money but the phones were always busy. I felt guilty that I felt like the entire world is working against us when the people of Haiti are in such ruins. So oh well if the tire is flat and is expensive to fix and at least the pipe is working fine now and thank goodness I have a job to make money to fix these things and I can still drink coffee when I am tired. I am glad we have the things we have and I appreciate it all. Thanks for reading xoxo

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