Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Selling of the cottage SUCKS!!!!

Its been a sad day for me. I know some of it is hormones but the reality is there is some sad stuff going on right now. The cottage is selling and even though it might be for the best it really hurts. Once upon a time about 10 years ago someone said to me that it would someday be Katos and probably Matts but definitely Katos. Kato and I made some plans to retire up there and spend time making it more of a home then a cottage. Updating the insides and adding a few things to the outside. We talked about it alot when we first got married and all the time when we were up there. Kato told me once it was his favorite place in the world. Anyway it is selling and its very very sad. Last night I was dreaming about it and we were talking to Alex about it. We told him we can't go up there anymore and he got really upset and ran away. We couldn't find him. I woke up and started bawling my eyes out. I found Alex at the foot of our bed and pulled him up close and snuggled him after drying my eyes and getting a hold of myself. I just wish I could have won the lottery so that we could buy it and keep it where it should be...in the family. Sad day for me hope yours is better. thanks for reading xoxo

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