Monday, January 25, 2010

the gift was....

So a few posts ago I mentioned something about a gift. I don't know if you remember but you can look back and read about it. It has been a couple of months now and I can finally say without jinxing it what it was. My mom and dad are smokers. My dad has said he will never quit and he will be a smoker until he dies. My mom has tried to stop several times throughout the years and has always started back up again. Before I found out I was pregnant my parents stopped smoking. I was shocked cause they did it and didn't even say a word to me that they were stopping. My mom used the patch and my dad used some medicine. Both have stopped using the help tools and both have been smoke free since. I am very proud of both of them and hope that they never start again. The reason it is such a gift is because we all know the dangers and health hazards that come from smoking. I wanted them to be able to live life and enjoy everything that comes with it. I hope it wasn't too late for them and they can live that life and enjoy their grandkids. I am very proud and love you guys very much, thank you for the gift. Thanks for reading xoxo

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