Monday, January 18, 2010

Alex and Daddys Friday night fun

Friday night Alex was so excited to have his daddy all to himself. He was talking about it all day, about how he and his dad were going to sleep in the living room (on the pull out bed), eat pizza, drink Mt. Dew, and watch scary movies. He couldn't wait!! It was a long day for me and I ended up working 12 hours. Once it was over we ordered the pizza and since I had already got the boys a movie on Thursday they were all set. I don't like scary movies and have no desire to sit with them through Halloween II. At about 8ish Alex was getting antsy for his big man date with his dad and he asked when Jade and I were going to bed. Well he convinced me to go upstairs and let Jade stay downstairs so that he could get the movie started. He quickly grabbed him and his dad a Mt. Dew and stated "OK DAD LETS START THE MOVIE!!" After a half hour of watching tv in my room Alex comes up and says "mommy" (in that too cute to resist voice) I say yes? he asks me when is Jade going to bed cause "she is making the movie difficult" I don't know how she could but whatever. I head downstairs to see what is going on. It turned out to be nothing and that Alex just really wanted it to be him and dad time. So since it was time for Jade to go to bed I scooped her up and put her to bed. As I was carrying her upstairs I said to her love you and gave her a kiss and repeated it about 10 times. It was so sweet to hear her say wuv woo back. Later that night (about 4am) the boys crawled into bed with me. I guess the movies were too scary for them...turns out Alex had too much Mt. Dew and had a little accident. TGIF everyone. thanks for reading xoxo

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