Monday, January 4, 2010

Happy New Year

Wow what a New Years celebration we had. I stayed up until 9:30 and went to bed so tired I was asleep before hitting the pillow. Jade too was asleep by then but the guys stayed up later. I don't know if anyone watched the New Years ball drop or what. The next morning we woke up I made sticky buns, green and gold eggs, coffee and a sparkling punch. It was yummy. We rented some more movies and stayed in pretty much all day. I managed to stay up until 11 that night. Saturday we went to Chuck E Cheese, a craft store, and Target. Again we watched some movies ate some popcorn and called it a night. Sunday we watched football, cleaned a little, and watched more football. Good thing we took it so easy cause with all the partying we did we were really tuckered out...NOT!! Happy New Year everyone! thanks for reading xoxo

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