Friday, April 23, 2010

26 week ultrasound

I went in today for another ultrasound. I am 26 weeks, tomorrow I will be 27 weeks. Seems like its going fast. I would like it to slow down but with summer it will only go faster. The baby is doing much better. Before her head was too small but now she is back on track. Everything was measuring at least 27 weeks. She is for sure still a girl and she will be arriving July 19th. Its a Monday. It was neat to see the changes in the baby from the last ultrasound. The heart was more defined and so were her toes and fingers. She looks like Jade to me and when we showed the pics to Jayne and Mrs. Pearson (Alex's teacher) they said the same thing. I know it is hard to tell from a fuzzy ultrasound pic but you can. Anyway, glad we have all the stuff for a girl cause it would have sucked to have to round up boy things again. Just glad she is healthy and doing well in there. I asked the doc if he could send some vibes or something to my uterus telling it to lay off the Braxton Hicks but I doubt it will listen. Thanks for reading xoxo

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